Ideas within topic organizations,others: (click suns to rate or comment on ideas)

1 People who are determined to kill themselves should do so in a way that their organs can be donated and save the lives of others. (suicide)
2 Get an affinity credit card that donates to charity for each use. Every year, dump it and change to another one because affinity cards pay out much larger charity donations upon sign up, compared to donation amounts for everyday spending. E-mail
3 Website wish list: Website emergency kit. A site which allows me to rapidly construct a website for lost child, natural disaster, explosion, etc. Information on site contents, who to contact, how to get info to public, etc. E-mail
4 Establish an institution that is a combination of old people's home, destitute women's home, and orphanage. This will create an institution with three generations of people requiring help or support under one roof, and these people can help each other. E-mail
5 The majority of our leisure time is spent in the comfort of our own home. Put some of that time to good use by volunteering for the benefit of worthy causes. For a huge list of suggestions visit Help From Home. E-mail
6 Save life by donating a kidney to a stranger. You may trigger a "domino transplant", in which several donors who were willing to give a kidney to a relative, but were immunologically incompatible, give instead to a stranger. Thus, many lives are saved. E-mail
7 Feed hungry people around the world while playing a game that improves your vocabulary! The U.N. World Food Programme donates 20 grains of rice for every correct definition at E-mail
8 Use more retired and elderly people in daycare centers. Background checks could be used if necessary. A lot like the adopt-a-grandparent program a few years ago. E-mail
9 Just as group violence is reported in the news, a place on the front page of the newspaper should be for news of young people who are making a positive difference. Maybe more people would do things to get in this article than those doing violent things. E-mail
10 Just 5-10% of our party expenses can provide a lunch to more poor children than the number of guests. Try to donate after each party and have more smiling faces than just of the guests. E-mail
11 A website where people can type in their zip code and find out the location of the nearest recycling facility for metal, glass, paper, plastic, etc. E-mail
12 I think that people need to stop having this us against them way of thinking, and peace would be better able to exist. I think that this way of thinking needs to be taught in schools, and by parents at an early age. E-mail
13 Put a missing persons picture on the welcome page to the internet. A different one every few days. Please let me know if you try this on your own website. E-mail
14 Establish a "communications link" between children of different nations, even in times of war (whenever and wherever possible), as children represent the future of the planet. E-mail
15 Toaster ovens should have a replaceable wire in them that melts at extremely high temperature to cut the power, like a fuse. This could prevent oven fires from getting out of hand. (appliances) E-mail
16 Use windmills for intermittent power in poor, remote areas, as farms in the US plains formerly used to pump water. Use for water pumping and purification, or making ice for underground ice house. (development,electricity) E-mail
17 Let U.N. conduct annual essay/project competitions for students from developing countries to evaluate/improve the functioning of democratic institutions in their countries. Helps to spread awareness/critical evaluation. E-mail
18 A Stockholder Representation Organization: a worldwide group shareholders can join that would vote their proxies for them at annual meetings according to policies in the interest of stockholders rather than management. E-mail
19 Wright brothers in USA started aviation 100 years ago. Let us agree that by 2103 that the poorest person alive in the world can afford to fly in airplane. E-mail
20 The Platinum Rule: Do to others what they like (not what you like, as in the Golden Rule). Even better, follow the Diamond Rule: Do to others what is best for all (not what you or they like). Please e-mail me if you try them to let me know how it goes. E-mail
21 Go to and, directories for free click-to-donate sites. The sponsors/advertisers on the sites make the donations. E-mail
22 WORLD SHIP FLEET: Unique, well developed, spectacular, "world's-fair-by-sea". Seven huge ships voyaging worldwide for decades for those seeking new international business or cultural and humanitarian contacts. E-mail
23 To help poor people who can't afford the high price of staple foods, we can reduce food prices by cutting demand for food. Let's all eat less rice and other grains and especially less meat, which requires much grain to produce. E-mail
24 Experiences with the EC indicate that a common market demands some level of legal, political and social harmony as well. Perhaps a solution to world conficts is to give opponents a stake in a profitable shared enterprise. E-mail
25 Many elected representatives seldom participate in the debates of the parliaments/congresses. The media should publish some indexes of their participation in the parliaments at the times of elections. E-mail
26 The United Nations was established to help maintain balance in international affairs. So why not pay closer attention to int'l genocide and ethnic "cleansing," by holding each leader--not nation--accountable? Treat them as separate entities. E-mail
27 People are setting up a Twitter account to raise $1,000,000 for charity. Can they do it? See or TwittaCause. E-mail
28 There are frequent reports of child-bashing & capital punishment of school children by teachers (sometimes proving fatal). There is an imperative need for starting an NGO 'Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children' (SPCC), on the lines of the SPCA. E-mail
29 Click,, & daily to donate 7.3 cups of food to the hungry for free (sponsors pay). E-mail
30 To strengthen an organization, plan enjoyable events for members. Build solidarity for tough tasks (negotiating, picketing) by cooperating on public service. You might clean up a beach and have a picnic afterwards. (unions, organizations, environment) E-mail
31 To improve living standards of the poor, each poor family can be attached with a well-to-do one. The latter can help the former, viz. in sending their children to schools, advising them on health and hygiene, and planning children's higher studies. E-mail
32 Click on PovertyFighters to donate $.25 to microcredit programs that very effectively help poor people start their own businesses to become self-sufficient. (Grameen bank, poverty lending, microenterprise) E-mail
33 Save money by not buying unnecessary things. Keep a list of the money saved. On your birthday, donate the total to charity. Giving that gift may feel better than anything you'd receive. If you do this, please click the "E-mail" link and let me know. E-mail
34 If you buy a $3 lunch from school every day, pack your lunch for one week every month and become a $19/month St. Jude Children's Memorial Hospital sponsor. This is a simple way to save a dying child's life. E-mail
35 People searching for landmines can wear "snowshoes" of Kevlar (bulletproof vest material) to distribute weight and as partial protection. But mines may be too powerful for Kevlar to help. (safety,bomb,clearing) E-mail
36 Can in Hand can feed the world. Bring a can of food for the poor whenever we attend a sports event, concert, rodeo, or convention. I can take great pride and enjoyment from what my can in hand will bring to those in need as I sit down to enjoy the event. E-mail
37 To promote a cause, organize a "service day" on which thousands donate volunteer hours in the name of a cause. Examples: and E-mail
38 To publicize IdeaExplore, each IdeaExplore user could put up a poster or pass out IdeaExplore fliers to businesses or other organizations. We could pick a certain week or day to do this, and report on any positive comments or actions.
39 Provide technology and medicines at cost to the poor. Poor people need fishing rods, not fishes. E-mail
40 Start a non-profit organization that helps pay education expenses for single parents, low income families, or any student who would have to drop out of college/tech school due to financial concerns. E-mail
41 If everyone in Texas donates $1 each day to a voluntary organization in a Third World country, it would come to $10,000,000. In short, NO poverty! E-mail
42 A rehabilitation program for people stuck in the rutt of drug dealing to help them change their lives. I am inquiring on what course of action to take. Any ideas? E-mail
43 Many people don't donate organs because they fear they won't be reincarnated with incomplete bodies. To get more organs and save lives, spread a rumor that each organ donated adds another afterlife, as each part of a cut worm grows into a new one. E-mail
44 This is not a new idea, because the Hebrews used to glean food. Sort of like a community garden where people who need home grown vegetables can go pick their own. Fits in well with a barter-based economy.
45 Community empowerment support group(s): Many people have lost touch with each other and with their communities--even in the smallest towns. Here is a way to get back in touch with both old neighbors and newcomers; form a community empowerment group. E-mail
46 To increase the quality of engineers coming out of colleges, lecturers and professors should be the cream of the previous batches. This is only possible when that position is highly paid. Big organisations should help by sponsoring students. E-mail
47 To spread an anti-smoking message, use comic strips in papers and magazines. One could be Camel Joe trying to kiss a girl, but his foul smell and yellowed teeth send her running. E-mail
48 Provoke lateral thinking. Have your youth group design a church that promotes worship, fellowship, prayer, and communion with God. Rather than, as most are designed, like a lecture hall. E-mail
49 Though I'm not the first to do so, I suggest a backup organization to assume temporary rule and reorganize the republic if a crisis ever plunged the country into anarchy. The backup gov't would step down once order was restored. E-mail
