Ideas within topic education,parents: (click suns to rate or comment on ideas)

1 Teach kids reading with their bedtime storybook. Start by teaching 1-letter words, then 2-letter words, just one each night. If he can't remember a word, then tell him, and read the previous sentence again and ask him the word again. Use praise. E-mail
2 Idea contest for kids in school. Teachers may divide kids into teams to brainstorm and compete against other teams for greatest number of ideas or best ideas (as judged by other students). E-mail
3 Transit rest homes (day care centers) in regions and countries where they are not yet common. They would help nuclear families by keeping their children for one or more days or even hours in safety so that parents can do their work in peace. E-mail
4 Racetrack: a good non-computer game for kids on long trips. Very simple, using only graph paper, pencil, and creativity, and teaches physics and planning ahead. Instructions. E-mail
5 Universities should allow their text books and reference books to be read at their web sites. This will facilitate inquisitive minds to quench their thirst for reading and create a well read society. MIT does. E-mail
6 To deal with school bullying: show confidence, stay in groups, avoid the bully, and ignore the bully (this is hard, so have friends or parents help you practice at home). If that doesn't work, tell teachers and parents and take self-defense lessons. E-mail
7 Politicians of all levels are required to send their children to public school. This would provide a personal incentive for them to improve our education system and also give them more direct feedback on how the system is doing. E-mail
8 Encourage kids to write new, funny lyrics to popular songs (as with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer). This game can entertain children while improving their creativity, poetry, and musical skills. E-mail
9 Go to the many statues Peter "Wolf" Toth has carved and erected to honor Native Americans (67 in North America, at least one in every state). E-mail
10 There are so many people who are still suffering from depression, even very young people. Why can't schools offer seminars to give practical help to young people in this area? It would help them their whole lives!
11 There are so many scholarship databases for college students looking for financial aid: Fastweb, Fund Finder, SRN, etc. Someone should unify these in one database to make it easier on students. E-mail
12 Thing of the Month: A subscription toy service similar to the Book of the Month Club, only this club would send kids any of several collections of science related toys, like anatomy models or microscope slides. E-mail
13 Explain things frankly but simply to kids. They can understand from a young age and may thus learn and be able to deal with reality better. E-mail
14 To teach kids tiddiness, make cleaning fun. If my 2-year old opens a drawer and takes out a CD, I'll say, "Oh, a CD. Thank you. Please put it back in the drawer there." Surprisingly, she'll often happily comply, and I'll thank her again. E-mail
15 Do what ever you like, but before doing it consider whether what you are doing will hurt anyone. E-mail
16 Reduce population growth by delaying marriage and procreation. Ask young men and women to serve others for a period of two or three years before marrying. Offer sixteen year olds real jobs and research opportunities, then suggest they marry at 25 or so. E-mail
17 Ignore this and spoil the child. Great achievers of the day are excellent readers, and it is said that there is a sudden decrease in the reading habits of children. It is necessary that they should read more in order to become what they want in life. E-mail
18 When you are bored and have nothing to do, my sisters and I pretend to own our own businesses. We make paper money and food and play restaurant or motel or store. It is really fun. E-mail
19 Instead of just teaching children how to play a musical instrument, teach them how to compose music to encourage their creativity and productivity. Many computer programs make composing easy now. E-mail
20 The notion of having pedestrians point across the street when crossing should be revived. It not only alerts drivers to your intent, preventing collisions, but prevents otherwise-alert drivers from undeserved tickets which tend to be quite serious. E-mail
21 Identify teenagers who struggle with and fail at normal and learning disabled classes and enroll them in trade apprenticeships with practical hands-on learning at the workplace (no classrooms). Teenagers are happier and successful. E-mail
22 Pray that your college student child use wisdom when making decisions, and always allow them the opportunity to call on you when they need support. E-mail
23 Often school computers are not used effectively. Require schools to report how many computers they have, how many per pupil, and how they are used for instruction. This data to be analyzed by university education departments, community, and school board. E-mail
24 Funix is an innovative breakthrough for learning a foreign language mnemonically. You already know how to speak Spanish, Chinese or whatever language because it's just rearranged English. E-mail
25 Make play clay for kids with various colors, textures, and odors, such as coffee dough, fruit putty, flubber, and clean mud. E-mail
26 The best way to learn a new language is "total immersion", where you are placed in an environment only with speakers of the target language and a dictionary for 10 days. Prior to that, you need to practice making all of the sounds of the new language. E-mail
27 Let parents take their children to big hospitals and nursing homes once in a fortnight so that the children, nay, the parents, understand the problems involving population, health, development, or environment. E-mail
28 Learn a foreign language when you are as young as possible because it is easier than when you are older. E-mail
29 Disruptive students get expelled and fall through the cracks. I suggest an alternative high school for these students, run by special counselors. Example. E-mail
30 Make sure you meet your child's college roommate to have a good idea of the type of person who will be exposed to your son/daughter. E-mail
31 Parents, make sure your child in college and his/her roommate go through safety issues; make sure they know how and where to get help in case of anything. Better to be safe than sorry. E-mail
32 Many people are looking for new school solutions since the public schools are such waste bins of nothingness. Go see: E-mail
33 To reduce the heavy load young school children carry, instead of bringing notebooks for each subject, bring papers which will not tear easily. This paper can be arranged in 3-ring binders divided by subject. E-mail
34 Parents and/or churches could send their college-attending students a care bag with things like writing utensils, staples, snacks, and anything else students are likely to need. E-mail
35 Student exchange programs for students of all ages--not just in high school or college. E-mail
